
Our long-term mission is to provide a model based simulation tool founded on an arithmetic which allows verified computing with dynamical precision and automated failure analysis. To give the reader a taste of modelling software and for the author to get acquainted with software publishing, we provide the Relana project: It is model based computation of probabilities but without verified arithmetic.

We owe great gratitude to the open software community for providing marvelous tools that enable us to write our software without spending money we don't have. This is true in particular for the tools around the matlab language.

To return the favour we received, we work on octave (to be more precise on its java-interface) and provide and support some open software tools for free we wrote on our way to develop our arithmetic and which proved helpful.

Almost all we provide here for download is via maven repository. What is not in maven central or where, is in the maven repository of this site.

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